Ethics and Transparency

Organization and Purpose

Ethics Committee
A committee will be set up to ensure transparency in the administration and destination of the marathon fund.

Scientific Committee
The scientific committee, made up of members from local universities and experts in the field, will design areas of innovation for the marathon.


Training of sports educators
The marathon benefits from the technical support of Life Running Assisi.

International Marathon Standard
Marathons are divided into Gold, Silver and Bronze.
One aim of the St. Francis Marathon is to reach Gold level.
The certification and homologation of the course is carried out by the FIDAL, the guarantor body of the CONI.

Professional parameters of the marathon
and welcoming families

The international and professional standards required by a significant event - as the St. Francis Marathon is - are also combined with the attention and care for each person. The welcome will also be designed for families and accompanying persons so that they too can participate in a special experience.

Enhancement of the sports heritage,
artistic and cultural heritage of Assisi and Umbria

Umbria is a very beautiful region! And also very much alive in running practice.
There are many sports associations and people who love running. The desire is to unite all the wealth already present in the area to create a network of mutual knowledge and collaboration. Assisi - as Bishop Domenico Sorrentino wrote - 'is an open-air sanctuary'.
The marathon is aimed at introducing participants to the rich heritage and message that Assisi and Umbria hold.

For the realisation of the event, an organising committee called 'Francesco, Va' was set up, endowed with a statute and non-profit.

The primary purpose of the Committee is to promote and foster the organisation of the St. Francis Marathon and the related and concomitant sports and cultural initiatives, of whatever nature, that may be held in preparation for and on the occasion of this sporting event.

Life Running Assisi SSD
The management of the organisation of the St. Francis Marathon is entrusted to the non-profit amateur sports club Life Running Assisi, affiliated with CONI and FIDAL.

The company Life Running Assisi Ssd - No Profit, by mandate of the Committee, is entrusted with the collection of external economic support, through sponsorships and/or donations of various kinds; the choice of collaborators for the realisation of the event; the stipulation of conventions with third parties for the publicisation of the event through merchandising operations and the marketing of any gadgets, always in compliance with the values stated above.

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